Fig.7    1. Phase shift is absent. V=0 – no transfer in the medium.  Interference field emerged, as well as the standing wave between the oscillators.   2. Phase shift is absent. Orientation to the transfer in the medium is perpendicular . The speed of transfer V=0.75c. Direction of transfer is from left to right. Interference field is compressed. Additional anti-nodes and nodes areas have emerged . The distance between the standing wave nodes has diminished.


Fig.10. Phase shift is absent. Orientation to the movement direction is parallel (oscillators move from left to right). Motion speed V=0,75c.

Fig.11. Spider effect.


Fig.111 If frequency discordant system is restrained a spider-like interference pattern emerges. That’s why this phenomenon is called a ‘spider-effect’.

Fig.12. The system of coherent oscillators on the plane. The outward wave radiation is practically absent. But this radiation may become manifest at a certain distance away from the system, which implies that unless you know about its source, the energy in wave medium will be emerging as if from ‘nowhere’.

Fig.20.a Distribution of wave energy from numerous sources (left model) moving at a supersonic speed (12 Max). Similar process also takes place in the supersonic jet streams.

Fig.19 In a supersonic cone of a single oscillator a standing, relative to the source, field of wave energy emerges. The velocity of this field equals precisely the velocity of the source (V=1,5c), i.e. the field moves with the source. A picture made from space shows a running wave pattern in the boat’s wake.

Fig.20. That’s how the field of distribution of wave (interference) energy looks produced by two supersonic coherent oscillators. The velocity and direction of the field movement equal precisely the velocity and direction of the oscillators V=1,5c. The start of ‘Proton’ rocket. The energy nodes and anti-nodes are clearly visible in the supersonic jet stream.

Fig.38. Along the line drawn between the oscillators the outward emission is absent (V=0, Df =0)


Fig.39 Inner balance has been broken. Outward emission has emerged (V>0, Df =0).


Fig.40 Thanks to the changes made (V>0, Df =pi*V/c) the inner balance of the system has been restored.

Fig.45 Energy distribution pattern: a) dipole b) triangle.

Fig.54 Velocity of a package of standing waves V=0 Dimensions of a package of standing waves with V=0,9ñ


Fig.56 While the objects approaching the speed of light turn, according to Lorentz, into ‘flying pancakes’, according to Ivanov they turn into dots.

Fig.25 a) direct and counter waves; b) wave superimposition: instantaneous show of resultant; c) developing in time the resultant outlines in space a picture with well-defined anti-nodes and nodes, i.e. the standing wave.


Fig.24 That’s how a computer model looks in which the oscillations’ source is presented as a speaker. The direct and counter-waves have equal frequencies but different velocities, and therefore different lengths. Addition of these waves results in the beat. If this process is examined as summed up in time, the nodes and anti-nodes will be visible which allows one to speak of a standing wave.

Fig.57 Emitters’ frequency is constant. With the device’s velocity increase relative to medium, and in accordance with Doppler’s rule, the direct and counter waves change their lengths.  For the inside observer in the system which changed speed the frequencies of these waves will remain equal but the nature of interference is to change, which is to lead to contraction of distance between the neighboring nodes, standing wave length change, and increased number of standing waves. The package of standing waves  compresses.


Fig.68 Phase displacement leads to the shift of nodes and anti-nodes.


Fig.69 The observer has to move to implement the condition of frequency equality of the waves coming to him. In this case he registers the standing wave!


Fig.70 Frequency difference takes place (v1>v2). The speed of energy flow and the speed of the car are equal. The passengers in the car observe a standing wave, and for them the energy transfer doesn’t exist. The observers outside see a complex wave picture which is not a standing wave.


Fig.71 Frequency difference is absent. The flow of energy in the system of motionless observers is absent. In the system of moving observers relative to standing wave the energy flow exists. The of energy flow velocity equals in modulus the car velocity.  Could it be the source of de Broglie waves?

Fig.72  Two sources of waves are in the nodes of the standing wave they’ve created. The nodes are areas of stable balance for the sources. In these areas the gradient of the wave field energy is absent.


Fig.73.  Attempts to bring the wave sources closer, i.e. to take them out of potential’s holes, lead to the reaction of the standing wave aimed at bringing the sources apart. The reaction lasts till the sources are again in the balance areas.


Fig.77  Moving away from the center under the influence of the pulling apart forces, the sources will soon form another two standing waves and slide into new nodes, i.e. new areas of stable balance (potential’s holes).

Fig.82 Phase displacement between oscillators is Df =45grad (V=0) which made the standing wave move right.

Fig.85  Df =0grad, V=0,25c.

Fig.86 Areas of stable (potential’s holes) and unstable balance.

Fig.97  Phase displacement triggers the shift of potential holes relative to their initial position, and appropriately, the shift of sources. The sources are influenced by the wave field so their natural reaction would be motion toward potential holes. If such motion is not obstructed the sources will be moving until they find themselves in the areas of stable balance.


For the sources to be again in potential holes with the standing wave anti-node between them, the system must pick a certain velocity V.


'Spider.s Network' - Interference from three sources. Asymmetrical

cellular structure deformed by arrhythmia is observed. Such a system

will strive for self-motion to the left


Fig.107 The greater phase displacement is, the greater is the relative shift of oscillators and nodes.
Fig.116 In gravitational field relative to the restrained system of wave sources, potential holes are shifted toward the field source (a). If restraining factor is removed the system starts moving because the sources will be seeking to catch up with the shifting nodes (b). Free fall in gravitational field is characterized by absence of internal deformations in the system (c).